Development of interim Electronic Monitoring (EM) standards for the WCPFC

ER & EM IWG (2024) Development of interim Electronic Monitoring (EM) standards for the WCPFC. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 20th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC20-2023-/ST-WP-05, Manila, Philippines

The purpose of this document is to seek feedback from the Commission’s subsidiary bodies and other relevant Intersessional Working Groups, on work undertaken to support the Commission adopting Interim standards for Electronic Monitoring (EM) at its regular session in December 2024. This paper responds to the task from WCPFC20, in WCPFC20 Summary report paragraphs 618 and 619. As was foreshadowed at the virtual ER and EM IWG meeting held 31 May 2024, this is a ‘Chairs’ paper that reflects feedback received from many CCMs and Observer delegates over the past 12 months through the ER and EM IWG. Note that the draft (a) does not reflect each CCMs positions as the IWG did not have the opportunity at that time to achieve resolution on those areas where differing initial positions were expressed; and (b) includes some [ ] and/or Chair’s comments for areas where I believe that further discussion is warranted. In adopting these interim standards, the Commission will be making decisions on, and/or setting a direction towards, the following: (1) the scope of the EM program (e.g. fleets to be covered); (2) the objectives for the EM program (what it is wanting the EM to achieve on these fleets); (3) a set of interim standards for EM; (4) associated minimum EM data requirements; (5) requirements for reporting to the WCPFC on the use of EM; and (6) any process that Commission may choose to establish to have assurance that CCMs are implementing EM programs in line with adopted EM standards. This paper also includes a set of proposed ‘Chair’s’ recommendations for each area.