Search References

Year Citation Gear Species Technique/Category
Cambiè G, Sánchez-Carnero N, Mingozzi T, et al (2013) Identifying and mapping local bycatch hotspots of loggerhead sea turtles using a GIS-based method: implications for conservation. Mar Biol 160:653–665.
LL Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Coelho R, Infante P, Santos MN (2013) Turtle lights for gillnets. In: IOTC - 9th Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch. IOTC-2013-WPEB09-INF07, La Reunion, France
GN Sea Turtles
Abecassis M, Senina I, Lehodey P, et al (2013) A Model of Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) Habitat and Movement in the Oceanic North Pacific. PLoS ONE 8:e73274.
LL, PS, GN Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Management Categories
Barcel C, Domingo A, Miller P, et al (2013) High-use areas, seasonal movements and dive patterns of juvenile loggerhead sea turtles in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 479:235–250.
LL, PS Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Management Categories
Huang H-W (2013) Characteristics of sea turtle incidental catch of the Taiwanese longline fisheries in the Atlantic Ocean. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 69:2233–2238
LL Sea Turtles
Population Level Assessments
Báez JC, Macías D, Camiñas JA, et al (2013) By-catch frequency and size differentiation in loggerhead turtles as a function of surface longline gear type in the western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 93:1423–1427.
LL Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Nel R, Wanless RM, Angel A, et al (2013) Ecological Risk Assessment and Productivity - Susceptibility Analysis of sea turtles overlapping with fisheries in the IOTC region. IOTC, La Reunion, France
LL, PS, GN Sea Turtles
Population Level Assessments
Pons M, Domingo A, Giffoni B, et al (2013) Update of standardized catch rates of loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta, caught by Uruguayan and Brazilian longline fleets (1998-2010). ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 69:1894–1900
LL Sea Turtles
Population Level Assessments
Stokes LW, Epperly SP, McCarthy KJ (2012) Relationship Between Hook Type and Hooking Location in Sea Turtles Incidentally Captured in the United States Atlantic Pelagic Longline Fishery. Bulletin of Marine Science 88:703–718.
LL Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Echwikhi K, Jribi I, Bradai MN, Bouain A (2012) Interactions of loggerhead turtle with bottom longline fishery in the Gulf of Gabès, Tunisia. Jrn Mar Bio Ass UK 92:853–858.
LL Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Cambiè G, Muiño R, Freire J, Mingozzi T (2012) Effects of Small (13/0) Circle Hooks on Loggerhead Sea Turtle Bycatch in a Small-Scale, Italian Pelagic Longline Fishery. Bulletin of Marine Science 88:719–730.
Mitigation Techniques
Foster DG, Epperly SP, Shah AK, Watson JW (2012) Evaluation of Hook and Bait Type on the Catch Rates in the Western North Atlantic Ocean Pelagic Longline Fishery. Bulletin of Marine Science 88:529–545.
LL Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Piniak WED (2012) Acoustic Ecology of Sea Turtles: Implications for Conservation. PhD, Duke University
LL, PS Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Fritsches KA (2012) Australian Loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings do not avoid yellow. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 45:79–89.
LL, GN Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Barlow P, Berkson J (2012) Evaluating methods for estimating rare events with zero-heavy data: a simulation model estimating sea turtle bycatch in the pelagic longline fishery. FB 110:344–360
LL Sea Turtles
Population Level Assessments
Piovano S, Farcomeni A, Giacoma C (2012) Effects of chemicals from longline baits on the biting behaviour of loggerhead sea turtles. African Journal of Marine Science 34:283–287.
LL Sea Turtles
Piovano S, Basciano G, Swimmer Y, Giacoma C (2012) Evaluation of a bycatch reduction technology by fishermen: A case study from Sicily. Marine Policy 36:272–277.
LL Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Báez JC, Real R, Bellido J, et al (2011) Validating an ecological model with fisheries management applications: the relationship between loggerhead by-catch and distance to the coast. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 91:1381–1383.
LL Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Population Level Assessments
Alfaro-Shigueto J, Mangel JC, Bernedo F, et al (2011) Small-scale fisheries of Peru: a major sink for marine turtles in the Pacific. Journal of Applied Ecology 48:1432–1440.
LL Sea Turtles
Stokes L, Hataway D, Epperly S, et al (2011) Hook ingestion rates in loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta as a function of animal size, hook size, and bait. Endangered Species Research 14:1–11.
LL Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Echwikhi K, Jribi I, Bouain A, Bradai MN (2011) Loggerhead Turtle Bycatch in the Gulf of Gabes, Tunisia: An Overview. Marine Turtle Newsletter 131:9–12
LL, GN Sea Turtles
Richards PM, Epperly SP, Heppell SS, et al (2011) Sea turtle population estimates incorporating uncertainty: a new approach applied to wester North Atlantic loggerheads Caretta caretta. Endangered Species Research 15:151–158.
LL, PS Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Dutton PH, Squires D, Ahmed M (eds) (2011) Conservation of Pacific Sea Turtles. University of Hawai’i Press
LL, PS Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Golden D (2011) Application of the Ryder et al. (2006) memo in assessing post-release mortality of sea turtles in the Hawaii longline shallow-set fishery
LL Sea Turtles
Management Categories
Wingfield DK, Peckham SH, Foley DG, et al (2011) The Making of a Productivity Hotspot in the Coastal Ocean. PLoS ONE 6:e27874.
LL, PS Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques