Search References

Year Citation Gear Species Technique/Category
Kiszka J, Berggren P, Rosenbaum HC, et al (2009) Cetaceans in the southwest Indian Ocean: a review of diversity, distribution and conservation issues. SC/61/O18, p 13
LL, PS, GN Marine Mammals
Mooney TA, Pacini AF, Nachtigall PE (2009) False killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) echolocation and acoustic disruption: implications for longline bycatch and depredation. Can J Zoo 87:726–733.
LL Marine Mammals
Mitigation Techniques
Shapiro AD, Tougaard J, Jørgensen PB, et al (2009) Transmission loss patterns from acoustic harassment and deterrent devices do not always follow geometrical spreading predictions. Mar Mam Sci 25:53–67.
GN Marine Mammals
Kiszka JJ, Muir CE, Amir OA, et al (2008) Incidental catch of marine mammals in the southwest Indian Ocean: a preliminary review. IWC SC/60/SM13 12
GN Marine Mammals
Hernandez-Milian G, Goetz S, Varela-Dopico C, et al (2008) Results of a short study of interactions of cetaceans and longline fisheries in Atlantic waters: environmental correlates of catches and depredation events. Hydrobiologia 612:251–268.
LL Marine Mammals
Mitigation Techniques
Carretta JV, Barlow J, Enriquez L (2008) Acoustic pingers eliminate beaked whale bycatch in a gill net fishery. Marine Mammal Science 24:956–961.
GN Marine Mammals
Read AJ (2008) The Looming Crisis: Interactions between Marine Mammals and Fisheries. J Mammal 89:541–548.
LL, PS, GN Marine Mammals
IOTC Secretariat (2007) Workshop on the Depredation in the Tuna Longline Fisheries in the Indian Ocean 2007. IOTC, Seychelles
LL Marine Mammals
Management Categories
Young NM, Iudicello S (2007) Worldwide Bycatch of Cetaceans - An evaluation of the most significant threats to cetaceans, the affected species and the geographic areas of high risk, and the recommended actions from various independent institutions.
LL, PS, GN Marine Mammals
Population Level Assessments
NOAA (2007) Marine mammal handling / release guidelines  English & Vietnamese - A quick reference for Atlantic pelagic longline gear
LL Marine Mammals
Mitigation Techniques
Garrison LP (2007) Interactions between marine mammals and pelagic longline fishing gear in the US Atlantic Ocean between 1992 and 2004. Fisheries Bulletin
LL Marine Mammals
Mitigation Techniques
Read AJ, Drinker P, Northridge S (2006) Bycatch of Marine Mammals in U.S. and Global Fisheries: Bycatch of Marine Mammals. Conservation Biology 20:163–169.
LL Marine Mammals
Nishida T, Shiba Y (2006) Report of the predation survey by the Japanese commercial tuna longline fisheries (September, 2000 – December, 2005). IOTC, Victoria, Seychelles
LL Marine Mammals
Gilman E, Brothers N, McPherson G, Dalzell P (2006) A review of cetacean interactions with longline gear. J Cetacean Res Manage 8:215–223
LL Marine Mammals
Johnson A, Salvador G, Kenney J, et al (2005) Fishing gear involved in entanglements of right and humpback whales. Mar Mam Sci 21:635–645
GN Marine Mammals
Reeves RR, Berggren P, Crespo EA, et al (2005) Global Priorities for Reduction of Cetacean Bycatch. WWF
GN Marine Mammals
Baird SJ (2005) Incidental capture of New Zealand fur seals (Arctocephalus forsteri) in commercial fisheries in New Zealand waters, 2001-02. Ministry of Fisheries
LL Marine Mammals
Mooney TA, Nachtigall PE, Au WWL (2004) Target Strength of a Nylon Monofilament and an Acoustically Enhanced Gillnet: Predictions of Biosonar Detection Ranges. aquatic mammals 30:220–226.
GN Marine Mammals
Mitigation Techniques
Beneditto APMD (2003) Interactions between gillnet fisheries and small cetaceans in northern Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 2001-2002. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals 2:79–86.
GN Marine Mammals
Population Level Assessments
Barlow J, Cameron GA (2003) Field Experiments Show That Acoustic Pingers Reduce Marine Mammal Bycatch in the California Drift Gill Net Fishery. Marine Mammal Science 19:265–283.
GN Marine Mammals
Population Level Assessments
Amir OA, Berggren P, Jiddawi NS (2002) The Incidental Catch of Dolphins in Gillnet Fisheries in Zanzibar, Tanzania. West Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 1:155–162
GN Marine Mammals
Bordino P, Kraus S, Albareda D, et al (2002) Reducing Incidental Mortality of Franciscana Dolphin Pontoporia Blainvillei with Acoustic Warning Devices Attached to Fishing Nets. Marine Mammal Science 18:833–842.
GN Marine Mammals
Silva M A, Feio R, Prieto R, et al (2002) Interactions between cetaceans and the tuna fishery in the Azores. Mar Mam Sci 18:893–901
LL Marine Mammals
Nishida T, Tanio M (2001) Summary of the predation surveys for the tuna longline catch in the Indian and Pacific Ocean based on the Japanese investigation cruises (1954, 1958 and 1966-81). In: IOTC Working Party on Tropical Tunas. IOTC, Seychelles, p 19
LL Marine Mammals
Visser IN (2000) Killer whale (Orcinus orca) interactions with longline fisheries in New Zealand waters. Aquat Mamm 26:241–252
LL Marine Mammals