Search References

Year Citation Gear Species Technique/Category
Smith JA, Tommasi D, Welch H, et al (2021) Comparing Dynamic and Static Time-Area Closures for Bycatch Mitigation: A Management Strategy Evaluation of a Swordfish Fishery. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:272.
GN Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Population Level Assessments
Kanaiwa M, Yamamoto A, Kai M (2021) The preliminary analysis of standardized CPUE for the catch data of blue shark by Japanese longliner using the finite mixture model. In: ISC 2021 2nd Shark Working Group Workshop. ISC/21/SHARKWG-2/02, Online, p 5
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Fujinami Y, Kanaiwa M, Kai M (2021) Estimation of annual catch for blue shark caught by Japanese high seas squid driftnet fishery in the North Pacific Ocean from 1981 to 1992. In: ISC 2021 2nd Shark Working Group Workshop. ISC/21/SHARKWG-2/07, Online, p 15
GN Sharks and Rays
Rice J (2021) A review of the data availability, model configuration and catch estimation for the 2017 blue shark (Prionace Glauca) stock assessment in the Indian Ocean. In: IOTC- 17th Working Party on Ecosystems & Bycatch (Data Prep). IOTC-2021-WPEB17(DP) -12, Online, p 66
LL Sharks and Rays
Davies C, Marsac F, Murua H, et al (2021) Summary of population structure of IOTC species from PSTBS-IO project and recommended priorities for future work. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 17th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC17-2021/SA-IP-13, Electronic Meeting
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Population Level Assessments
Liu K-M, Su K-Y, Tsai W-P, Chin C-P (2021) Updated standardized CPUE and catch estimation of the blue shark caught by the Taiwanese large scale tuna longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean. In: ISC 2021 2nd Shark Working Group Workshop. ISC/21/SHARKWG-2/14, Online, p 34
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Wujdi A, Setyadji B, Fahmi Z (2021) Update on the CPUE standardization of the blue shark (Prionace glauca) caught by Indonesian tuna longline in the eastern Indian ocean. In: IOTC- 17th Working Party on Ecosystems & Bycatch (Data Prep). IOTC-2021-WPEB17(DP)-06, Online
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Kai M (2021) Japanese annual catches of pelagic sharks in two subareas between 1964 and 1993. In: IOTC- 17th Working Party on Ecosystems & Bycatch (Assessment). IOTC-2021-WPEB17(AS)-10, Online
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Kai M (2021) Spatio-temporal model for CPUE standardization: Application to blue shark caught by longline of Japanese research and training vessels in the western and central North Pacific. In: ISC 2021 2nd Shark Working Group Workshop. ISC/21/SHARKWG-2/03, Online, p 14
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Semba Y, Fujinami Y, Hutchinson M, et al (2021) Progress report of collaborative study on the migration pattern of blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the central North Pacific Ocean. In: ISC 2021 2nd Shark Working Group Workshop. ISC/21/SHARKWG-2/09, Online, p 9
Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Rice J (2021) Estimates of natural mortality for blue shark in the Indian Ocean. In: IOTC- 17th Working Party on Ecosystems & Bycatch (Assessment). IOTC-2021-WPEB17(AS)-16, Online
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Coelho R, Santos CC, Rosa D, Lino PG (2021) Updated blue shark catches and standardized CPUE for the Portuguese pelagic longline fleet in the Indian ocean, between 1998 and 2019. In: IOTC- 17th Working Party on Ecosystems & Bycatch (Data Prep). IOTC-2021-WPEB17(DP)-10_Rev1, online, p 20
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Afonso AS, Mourato B, Hazin H, Hazin FHV (2021) The effect of light attractor color in pelagic longline fisheries. Fisheries Research 235:105822.
LL Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Neubauer P, Large K, Brouwer, Stephen (2021) Stock assessment of Southwest Pacific blue shark. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 17th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC17-2021/SA-WP-03, Electronic Meeting
LL Sharks and Rays
IOTC Secretariat (2021) Executive Summaries for seven shark species. In: IOTC - 24th Meeting of the Scientific Committee. IOTC-2021-SC24-Executive summaries-sharks, Online
LL, PS, GN Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Semba Y (2021) Length frequency of shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) reported in the Japanese observer program between 2011 and 2019. In: ISC 2021 1st Shark Working Group Workshop. ISC/21/SHARKWG-1/09, Online
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Fernández-Méndez JI, Castillo-Géniz JL, Ramírez-Soberón G, et al (2021) Update on standardized catch rates for blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the 2006-2020 Mexican Pacific longline fishery based upon a shark scientific observer program. In: ISC 2021 2nd Shark Working Group Workshop. ISC/21/SHARKWG-2/15, Online, p 22
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Mukherji S, Smart J, D’Alberto B, et al (2021) Preliminary age and growth estimates of the blue shark (Prionace glauca) from Papua New Guinea. Environ Biol Fish.
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
IOTC Secretariat (2021) Blue shark synopsis. In: IOTC- 17th Working Party on Ecosystems & Bycatch (Data Prep). IOTC-2021-WPEB17(DP)-INF05_Rev1, Online
LL Sharks and Rays
Druon J-N, Sabarros PS, Bach P, et al (2021) Habitat modeling for the blue shark (Prionace glauca) by sex and size classes in the Indian Ocean. In: IOTC- 17th Working Party on Ecosystems & Bycatch (Assessment). IOTC-2021-WPEB17(AS)-13_rev1, Online, p 22
LL Sharks and Rays
Geng Z, Wang Y, Kindong R, et al (2021) Demographic and harvest analysis for blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the Indian Ocean. Regional Studies in Marine Science 41:101583.
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Harry AV, Braccini JM (2021) Caution over the use of ecological big data for conservation. Nature 595:E17–E19.
LL, PS, GN Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
IOTC Secretariat (2021) Report of the 17th Session of the IOTC Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch. In: IOTC - 24th Meeting of the Scientific Committee. IOTC-2021-WPEB17[AS]-RE Rev1, Online
LL, PS, GN Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Vedor M, Queiroz N, Mucientes G, et al (2021) Climate-driven deoxygenation elevates fishing vulnerability for the ocean’s widest ranging shark. eLife 10:e62508.
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Kai M (2021) Update of Japanese annual catches for blue shark caught by Japanese offshore and distant water longliner in the North Pacific Ocean from 1994 to 2020. In: ISC 2021 2nd Shark Working Group Workshop. ISC/21/SHARKWG-2/04, Online, p 12
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments