Updated stock status indicators for silky sharks in the eastern Pacific Ocean, 1994-2020

Lennert-Cody CE, Aires-da-Silva A, Maunder MN (2021) Updated stock status indicators for silky sharks in the eastern Pacific Ocean, 1994-2020. In: IATTC - 10th Meeting of the Working Group on Bycatch. IATTC BYC-10 INF-C, Electronic Meeting, p 15

The indices of relative abundance for large silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO), developed from bycatch-per-set data collected by on-board observers from purse-seine sets on floating objects and presented at the 10th meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC-10) in May 2019 (Document SAC-10-17), were updated with data from 2020. Previous analyses (SAC-08-08a(i), Lennert-Cody et al. 2019) identified a correlation between north EPO indices, particularly for small (90 cm) and medium (90-150 cm) silky sharks, and interannual variability in oceanographic conditions, and thus the indices for those size categories, and the “all silky sharks” combined category, were not updated because of concerns about bias. In both north and south EPO, the indices for large (>150 cm) silky sharks for 2020 were at, or slightly below, the 2019 values, following a more pronounced decrease in the indices from 2017 to 2018. Because of recent increases in the number of sharks recorded by observers as released alive, indices for large silky sharks that included these data were also calculated, and showed a somewhat less pessimistic long-term trend. Considerations for future research, including some presented previously (SAC-07-06b(i), SAC-07-06b(iii), SAC-08-11) on improving shark fishery data collection in the EPO, are discussed.