What goes thump at night: managing bird- strike in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

Tierney M, Parsons M, Wheatley H, et al (2024) What goes thump at night: managing bird- strike in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. In: ACAP - Joint 12th Meeting of the SBWG & 8th Meeting of the PaCSWG. Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 16, Lima, Peru

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI), has a rich environment which sustains globally important populations of seabirds. Despite conservation efforts, some of these populations are showing continuous, declining trends. Population declines may be attributed to a range of factors from both within and outside SGSSI national boundaries, including bird-strike: the collision of birds in flight with vessels resulting in physical injury or death.