New best handling and release practice guide for vulnerable bycatch tropical species in tropical tuna purse seiners

Murua J, Ferarios JM, Grande M, et al (2024) New best handling and release practice guide for vulnerable bycatch tropical species in tropical tuna purse seiners. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 20th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC20-2024/EB-IP-20, Manila, Philippines

Novel research has led to improvements in best handling and release practices (BHRP) for tuna purse seiners, some of which have not yet been incorporated in conservation measures of tuna regional fisheries management organization (tRFMO). The new tools and techniques are aimed at increasing crew safety and post-release survival rates of endangered, protected, and threatened (ETP) species, which can complement or improve existing recommended practices. Because most BHRP recommended by RMFOS are based on scientific work conducted a decade ago, we suggest updating BHRP by including these new bycatch release devices (BRDs) that include hoppers with ramps, shark velcros, lower deck gutters for sharks or sorting grids for mobulid rays. This equipment reduces direct contact between crew and dangerous species and simultaneously foments bycatch survival opportunities due to faster release times. Most described BDRs in the new guide are suitable for use in a variety of purse seiners, but larger devices might require specific vessel characteristics for their implementation (e.g., large free space on deck). Several fleets operating in all oceanic regions are actively participating in the refinement of BRD prototypes and employing them regularly during their commercial fishing operations. As BHRP evolve with new solutions and technologies, recommended guidelines should also be regularly updated to provide state-of-the-art bycatch mitigation advice to managers and industry.