Reducing bycatch in offshore commercial fisheries: stakeholder perspectives on mitigation measures

Iwan MA, Favero M, Van Putten IE, et al (2024) Reducing bycatch in offshore commercial fisheries: stakeholder perspectives on mitigation measures. In: ACAP - Twelfth Meeting of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group. SBWG12 Doc 18 SUMMARY, Lima, Peru

Reducing fisheries bycatch is a key global challenge. However, little is known about what factors may encourage or prevent commercial fisheries taking up bycatch mitigation measures (MMs). The primary aim of this research is to explore the factors influencing the adoption of bycatch mitigation strategies, with a particular emphasis on the social and behavioral dynamics involved, using the Argentine offshore commercial bottom trawl fleet as a case study. Interviews were conducted with key Argentine stakeholders to gather their opinions and perceptions regarding bycatch and mitigation in commercial fisheries. Three key results were revealed: (1) there is a prevailing perception that crew are hesitant to use MMs, although executives and fishers have contrasting views; 2) the main barrier preventing the implementation of MMs is the perception that mitigation techniques and/or technologies are cumbersome and inefficient; and (3) participants suggest that improving strategic governance measures and promoting collaboration among different stakeholders could enhance the uptake of MMs. RECOMMENDATIONS That the Working Group analyse the merit of incorporating in the Advisory Committee Work Programme the investigation of the human dimension of bycatch and mitigation methods as a relevant approach to increase the uptake of mitigation measures.