Bycatch Management Information System (BMIS) Update and Introducing the New Bycatch Data Explorer

Fitzsimmons L, Potts J (2024) Bycatch Management Information System (BMIS) Update and Introducing the New Bycatch Data Explorer. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 20th Regular Session. Manila, Philippines

The WCPFC Bycatch Management Information System (BMIS) is an online resource centralising scientific and technical information on the mitigation and management of bycatch in global pelagic tuna and billfish fisheries (Figure 1). Bycatch here refers to highly migratory species of special interest, including seabirds, sharks and rays, marine turtles and marine mammals (principally cetaceans). The BMIS is aimed at fisheries managers and scientists, fishers, educators and the general public. Website visitors have access to over 3600 references, 52 mitigation technique descriptions, tuna RFMO conservation measures, species identification tools and safe handling and release guides, among other resources. Comprehensive search filters help BMIS visitors find information specific to their interests. This paper provides an update on BMIS curation, usage and collaboration. In addition, it introduces the new Bycatch Data Explorer, a tool developed to explore and visualise Western and Central Pacific Ocean public domain bycatch data.