Search References

Year Citation Gear Species Technique/Category
Francis MP, Lyon WS, Clarke SC, et al (2023) Post-release survival of shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) and silky (Carcharhinus falciformis) sharks released from pelagic tuna longlines in the Pacific Ocean. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 33:366–378.
LL Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Jiménez S, Barrington JHS (2023) ACAP Review of Mitigation Measures and Best Practice Advice for Reducing the Impact of Pelagic Longline Fisheries on Seabirds. In: ACAP - 11th Meeting of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group. SBWG11 Doc 07, Edinburgh, UK
LL Seabirds
Management Categories
Frawley TH, Muhling B, Brodie S, et al (2023) Dynamic human, oceanographic, and ecological factors mediate transboundary fishery overlap across the Pacific high seas. Fish and Fisheries early view:
LL Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Taylor NG, Cortés E (2023) A multivariate model for estimating life history parameters for North and South Atlantic blue shark stocks. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 80:546–561
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Birdlife International (2023) BirdLife International Statement to the 19th session of the WCPFC Scientific Committee (SC19). In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 19th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC19-2023/NGO paper, Koror, Palau
LL Seabirds
Mitigation Techniques
Liu K-M, Su K-Y (2023) Updated standardized CPUE, size and spatial distribution of blue shark (Prionace glauca) caught by the Chinese Taipei longline fishery in the Atlantic ocean. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 80:306–336
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Natanson LJ, McCandless CT, Kohler NE (2023) Distribution of the tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) in the North Atlantic Ocean by season, sex, and life stage, based on tag and recapture data. Fishery Bulletin 121:145–160.
LL Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Management Categories
ICCAT SCRS (2023) Report of the SCRS Sub-Group on Electronic Monitoring Systems (EMS) & other meeting documents. In: ICCAT-First Meeting of the EMS Working Group. Online
LL Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Burg TM (2023) Genetic markers separate breeding populations of the endangered Antipodean Albatross and allow for determination of provenance of birds killed at-sea. Emu - Austral Ornithology 123:250–254.
LL Seabirds
Management Categories
Lowndes RC (2023) Deterrent Effects of the Select Magnetic and Repellent Treated (SMARTTM) Hooks and the Recently Developed “SMARTER” Hooks on Sharks in Recreational Hook-and-Line and Longline Trials - ProQuest. Masters Thesis, Coastal Carolina University
LL Sharks and Rays
Gilman E, Brothers N, McPherson G, Dalzell P (2023) A review of cetacean interactions with longline gear. JCRM 8:215–223.
LL Marine Mammals
Quiñones J, Zavalaga C (2023) Offal discards are probably one of the causes of albatrosses congregations in offshore waters of southern Peru. In: ACAP - 11th Meeting of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group. SBWG11 Inf 21, Edinburgh, UK
LL Seabirds
Mitigation Techniques
Bratt A (2023) From Mark-Resight to Management: Bayesian Hierarchical Models for Endangered Bird Populations - ProQuest. PhD Thesis, University of Washington
Population Level Assessments
Huynh QC, Carruthers T (2023) Spatial distribution of multispecies longline catch per unit effort. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 80:072–097
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Petitet R, Castilhos JC, Bugoni L (2023) Individual specialization and temporal consistency in resource use by adult olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea). Mar Biol 170:12.
LL Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Navarro-Herrero L, Saldanha S, Militão T, et al (2023) Use of bird-borne radar to examine shearwater interactions with legal and illegal fisheries. Conservation Biology early view:e14224.
LL Seabirds
Mitigation Techniques
Management Categories
Goad D, Peatman T, Plencner T (2023) Haul mitigation for small longline vessels. In: ACAP - 11th Meeting of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group. SBWG11 Doc 21, Edinburgh, UK
LL Seabirds
Mitigation Techniques
Scott M, Royer M, Hutchinson M (2023) Time of death: behavioral responses of an oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus, to capture by a longline fishing vessel. Animal Biotelemetry 11:34.
LL Sharks and Rays
Ochi D (2023) Consideration for tori-line and tori-pole design suitable for Japanese small-scale tuna longline vessels in the North Pacific based on experimental results. In: ACAP - 11th Meeting of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group. ACAP SBWG11 Inf 04, Edinburgh, UK
LL Seabirds
Mitigation Techniques
ACAP (2023) Updated ACAP Advice on Reducing the Bycatch of Albatrosses and Petrels in WCPFC Fisheries. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 19th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC19-2023/EB-IP-21, Koror, Palau
LL Seabirds
Sant’Ana R, Mourato B, Cardoso LG, et al (2023) South Atlantic blue shark stock: Just Another Bayesian Biomass Assessment. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 80:665–713
LL Sharks and Rays
Ramos-Cartelle A, Carroceda A, García-Cortés B, et al (2023) Blue Shark: Age and growth from ICCAT conventional tag data. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 80:83–96
LL Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Population Level Assessments
Viducic K, Natanson LJ, Winton MV, Humphries A (2022) Reproductive characteristics for the blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the North Atlantic Ocean. FB 120:26–38.
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Ramos-Cartelle A, García-Cortés B, Mejuto J, et al (2022) Length-weight relationships for several large pelagic sharks from the Indian ocean. In: IOTC - 18th Working Party on Ecosystems & Bycatch. IOTC-2022-WPEB18-11, Online, p 23
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
ICES (2022) Benchmark Workshop for selected elasmobranch stocks (WKELASMO). ICES Scientific Reports
LL Sharks and Rays