Search References

Year Citation Gear Species Technique/Category
Anon. (2018) Report of the 2018 intersessional meeting of the shark species group (Madrid, Spain, 2-6 July 2018). ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 75:357–434
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Coelho R, Rosa D, Lino PG (2017) Update on the Portuguese pelagic sharks research program in the Atlantic Ocean, including samples and data up to 2015. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 73:2832–2841
LL Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Birdlife South Africa (2017) Update on the seabird component of the Common oceans tuna project - seabird bycatch assessment workshops. In: IOTC - 13th Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch. IOTC-2017-WPEB13-39, San Sebastián, Spain
LL Seabirds
Management Categories
de Bruyn P, Juan Jorda M-J, Hanke A, et al (2017) Report of the 2016 Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Sub-Committee on Ecosystems (Madrid, Spain 5-9 Sept 2016). Collect Vol Sci Pap ICCAT 73:3042–3119
LL Sea Turtles,
Maree B, Birdlife South Africa (2017) Update of the Seabird Component of The Common Oceans Tuna Project Seabird Bycatch Assessment Workshops. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 13th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC13-2017/EB-IP-14, Rarotonga, Cook Islands
LL, PS Seabirds
Pott C, Wiedenfeld DA (2017) Information gaps limit our understanding of seabird bycatch in global fisheries. Biological Conservation 210, Part A:192–204.
LL, PS, GN Seabirds
WCPFC Secretariat, SPC-OFP, ABNJ, ISC (2017) Progress on The WCPFC Stock Assessments and Shark Research Plan  (Summary Table. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 13th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC13-2017/EB-IP-09, Rarotonga, Cook Islands
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Domingo A, Forselledo R, Mas F, Miller P (2017) Uruguayan research program for pelagic sharks in the southwest Atlantic Ocean - 2017 Update. Collect Vol Sci Pap ICCAT 73:2924–2929
LL Sharks and Rays
WCPFC (2017) 2nd Meeting of the FAD Management Options Intersessional Working Group Summary Report. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 13th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC13-2017/IWG-02, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, p 38
PS Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Management Categories
ICCAT Shark Species Group (2017) Report of the 2016 intersessional meeting of the shark species group (Madeira, Portugal – April 25 to 29, 2016). ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 73:2759–2809
LL Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Jiménez S, Inoue Y, Acevedo Marquez C, et al (2017) Report of the workshop: Collaborative work to assess seabird bycatch in pelagic longline fleets (South Atlantic and Indian Oceans). 20 to 23 of June 2017, Montevideo, Uruguay. In: ACAP - Eighth Meeting of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group. SBWG8-Doc-INF07, Wellington, New Zealand
LL Seabirds
Management Categories
Smith N, Nicol S (2016) Annual WCPFC Report SC12: Joint Tuna RFMO Bycatch Technical Working Group. WCPFC, Bali, Indonesia
LL Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
de Lisboa O (2016) Report of the 2015 Blue Shark Stock Assessment. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 72:866–1019
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Population Level Assessments
Clarke S (2016) 2016 - Update on the ABNJ (Common Oceans) Tuna Project’s Shark and Bycatch Components. WCPFC, Bali, Indonesia
LL, PS Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
IATTC (2016) Current and planned activities of the IATTC staff. In: Seventh Meeting of the Scientific Committee. IATTC SAC-07-07a, La Jolla, California
Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
ICCAT S on E (2016) 2015 inter-sessional meeting of the Sub-committee on Ecosystems. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 72:1877–1948
LL Sea Turtles,
Management Categories
Secretariat (2016) Progress on the WCPFC Stock Assessments and Shark Research Plan (Summary Table). WCPFC, Bali, Indonesia
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Domingo A, Forselledo R, Mas F, Miller P (2015) Uruguayan research program for pelagic sharks in the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Collect Vol Sci Pap ICCAT 71:2633–2636
LL Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Population Level Assessments
ICCAT WG (2015) Report of the 2014 Meeting of the Working Group for the Development of the SCRS Science Strategic Plan. CVSP 71:2987–3069
LL, PS Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Brouwer, Stephen, Harley S (2015) Draft Shark Research Plan: 2016-2020. WCPFC, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
IATTC SAC (2015) Meeting Report - 6th meeting of the IATTC Scientific Advisory Committee. Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, La Jolla California USA
LL, PS Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
DiNardo G, Kohn S (2015) ISC Shark Working group and Information Papers on Blue Shark. WCPFC, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
ICCAT (2015) 2014 Intersessional meeting of the Sharks Species Group (Piriapolis, Uruguay, 10-1 March 2014). ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 71:2458–2550
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Clarke S, Nicol S (2015) 2015 - Update on the ABNJ (Common Oceans) Tuna Project’s Shark and Bycatch Components. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee Eleventh Regular Session. WCPFC, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
LL, PS Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Nicol S (2015) 2015 Annual WCPFC Report: Joint Tuna RFMO Bycatch Technical Working Group. WCPFC, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
LL, PS Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Management Categories