Search References

Year Citation Gear Species Technique/Category
Jiménez PJ, Alava JJ, Castro C, et al (2018) Stranding of Small Cetaceans with Missing Fins Raises Concerns on Cetacean Conservation in Ecuador: Bycatch or Targeted Fisheries? International Journal of Fisheries Science and Research 2:1006
GN Marine Mammals
Alfaro-Shigueto J, Mangel JC, Darquea J, et al (2018) Untangling the impacts of nets in the southeastern Pacific: Rapid assessment of marine turtle bycatch to set conservation priorities in small-scale fisheries. Fisheries Research 206:185–192.
GN Sea Turtles
Walker N, Abraham E (2017) Updating New Zealand’s bycatch estimations and risk assessment - including 2015-16. In: ACAP - Eighth Meeting of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group. SBWG8-Doc-INF30, Wellington, New Zealand
LL Seabirds
Population Level Assessments
Piovano S, Gilman E (2017) Elasmobranch captures in the Fijian pelagic longline fishery. Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst 27:381–393.
LL Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Population Level Assessments
Rollinson DP, Wanless RM, Ryan PG (2017) Patterns and trends in seabird bycatch in the pelagic longline fishery off South Africa. African Journal of Marine Science 39:9–25.
LL Seabirds
Population Level Assessments
Moazzam M, Nawaz R (2017) Major bycatch reduction of cetaceans and marine turtles by use of subsurface gillnets in Pakistan. In: IOTC - 13th Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch. IOTC-2017-WPEB13-19, San Sebastián, Spain, p 1
GN Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles
Jones E, Francis M (2017) Protected rays – occurrence and development of mitigation methods in the New Zealand tuna purse seine fishery. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 13th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC13-2017/EB-IP-12, Rarotonga, Cook Islands
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
González-González I, Fernández-Costa J, Ramos-Cartelle A, Mejuto J (2017) Updated and retrospective estimates of shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) landings by the Spanish surface longline fishery targeting swordfish in areas of the Atlantic Ocean during the 1950-2015 period. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT 74
LL Sharks and Rays
Okamoto K, Oshima K (2017) Bycatch records of sea turtles obtained through Japanese Observer Program in the IOTC Convention Area. In: IOTC - 13th Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch. IOTC-2017-WPEB13-37, San Sebastián, Spain
LL Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Population Level Assessments
José Alava J, Tatar B, José Barragán M, et al (2017) Mitigating cetacean bycatch in coastal Ecuador: Governance challenges for small-scale fisheries. Marine Policy.
LL, GN Marine Mammals
Bonanomi S, Brčić’ J, Colombelli A, et al (2017) Fisheries Bycatch of Chondrichthyes. In: Chondrichthyes - Multidisciplinary Approach. InTechOpen
LL, PS, GN Sharks and Rays
Gondra JR, Lopez J, Abascal FJ, et al (2017) By-catch of the European purse seine tuna fishery in the Atlantic Ocean for the period 2010–2016. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 74:2038–2048
PS Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Suazo CG, Oliveira N, Debski I, et al (2017) Seabird bycatch in purse seine fisheries: Status of knowledge and mitigation measures. In: ACAP - Eighth Meeting of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group. SBWG8-Doc-INF26, Wellington, New Zealand
PS Seabirds
Mitigation Techniques
Anon (2017) Ecosystem Considerations. In: IATTC - 8th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee. IATTC-SAC-08-07a, La Jolla, California
LL, PS Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Kiszka JJ, Berggren P, Braulik G, et al (2017) Cetacean bycatch in the western Indian Ocean: a review of available information on coastal gillnet, tuna purse seine and pelagic longline fisheries. IOTC-2017-WPEB13-40-Rev1
LL, PS, GN Marine Mammals
Bowlby HD, Joyce W, Fowler M (2017) Observed live releases and dead discards of shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) from Canadian fisheries. Collect Vol Sci Pap ICCAT 74:1702–1709
LL Sharks and Rays
Shahifar R (2017) Iran tuna fisheries by-catch in IOTC competence of area in 2016. In: IOTC - 13th Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch. IOTC-2017-WPEB13-12, San Sebastián, Spain
LL, PS Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Lawson JM, Fordham SV, O’Malley MP, et al (2017) Sympathy for the devil: a conservation strategy for devil and manta rays. PeerJ 5:e3027.
LL, PS, GN Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
McKee Gray C, Diaz GA (2017) Preliminary estimates of the number of sea turtle interactions with pelagic longline gear in the ICCAT convention area. Collect Vol Sci Pap ICCAT 73:3128–3151
LL Sea Turtles
Population Level Assessments
Letessier TB, Bouchet PJ, Meeuwig JJ (2017) Sampling mobile oceanic fishes and sharks: implications for fisheries and conservation planning. Biological Reviews 92:627–646.
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Giffoni BB, Sales G, Leite Jr. NO, et al (2017) Fishery as administrative unit: implications for sea turtle conservation. Collect Vol Sci Pap ICCAT 73:3252–3268
LL Sea Turtles
Arocha F, Marcano M, Narvaez M, et al (2017) Update on the Venezuelan catch and spatial-temporal distribution of shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrhincus) and other common shark species caught in the Caribbean Sea and adjacent waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 73:2810–2831
LL, GN Sharks and Rays
Carneiro A, Mulligan B, Beare D, Small C (2017) Albatross and petrel distribution in the Atlantic Ocean and overlap with ICCAT longline effort. Collect Vol Sci Pap ICCAT 73:30
LL Seabirds
Boudreau SA, Archibald DW, Edmondson E, Rangeley R (2017) Collateral Damage: How to reduce bycatch in Canada’s commercial fisheries. Oceana
LL Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Aranda M (2017) Description of tuna gillnet capacity and bycatch in the IOTC Convention Area. In: IOTC - 13th Working Party on Data Collection and Statistics. IOTC-2017-WPEB13-18, Mahe, Seychelles
GN Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays