Search References

Year Citation Gear Species Technique/Category
McLellan WA, Arthur LH, Mallette SD, et al (2015) Longline hook testing in the mouths of pelagic odontocetes. ICES J Mar Sci 72:1706–1713.
LL Marine Mammals
Mitigation Techniques
Management Categories
Rabearisoa N, Sabarros PS, Romanov E, Bach P (2015) Indicators of depredation impacting Reunion Island pelagic longline fishery. IOTC, Olhao, Portugal
LL Marine Mammals,
Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Rabearisoa N, Bach P, Marsac F (2015) Assessing interactions between dolphins and small pelagic fish on branchline to design a depredation mitigation device in pelagic longline fisheries. ICES J Mar Sci 72:1682–1690.
LL Marine Mammals
Mitigation Techniques
Kizhakudan S Joe, Zacharia PU, Thomas S, et al (2015) Guidance on National Plan of Action for Sharks in India. IOTC, Olhao, Portugal
LL, GN Sharks and Rays
Goetz S, Read FL, Ferreira M, et al (2015) Cetacean occurrence, habitat preferences and potential for cetacean–fishery interactions in Iberian Atlantic waters: results from cooperative research involving local stakeholders. Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst 25:138–154.
LL, PS, GN Marine Mammals
Mitigation Techniques
Escalle L, Capietto A, Chavance P, et al (2015) Cetaceans and tuna purse seine fisheries in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans: interactions but few mortalities. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 522:255–268.
PS Marine Mammals
Tixier P, Garcia JV, Gasco N, et al (2015) Mitigating killer whale depredation on demersal longline fisheries by changing fishing practices. ICES J Mar Sci 72:1610–1620.
LL Marine Mammals
Clarke S (2015) Understanding and Mitigating Impacts to Whale Sharks in Purse Seine Fisheries of the Western and Central Pacific Ocean. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 11th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC11-2015-EB-WP-03 Rev1, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
PS Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Roussel E, Chompret J, Clorennec D, et al (2015) Preliminary study of cetacean depredation on pelagic longline fisheries using passive acoustic monitoring off Reunion Island. IOTC, Olhao, Portugal
LL Marine Mammals
Capietto A, Escalle L, Chavance P, et al (2014) Mortality of marine megafauna induced by fisheries: Insights from the whale shark, the world’s largest fish. Biological Conservation 174:147–151.
PS Sharks and Rays
Clarke SC, Sato M, Small C, et al (2014) Bycatch in longline fisheries for tuna and tuna-like species: A global review of status and mitigation measures. FAO, Rome
LL Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Anderson RC (2014) Cetaceans and Tuna Fisheries in the Western and Central Indian Ocean. International Pole and Line Foundation, London
LL, PS, GN Marine Mammals
Westmeyer M (2013) SFP Best Practices Report: Minimizing and managing the impacts of fisheries on bycatch of protected, endangered, and threatened species. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, Honolulu, Hawaii
LL, PS, GN Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Hamer DJ (2013) Operational interactions between marine mammals and commercial fisheries in Australian and South Pacific waters: characterisation and options for mitigation. Thesis, University of Adelaide
LL Marine Mammals
Muir J, Filmalter J, Forget F, et al (2013) Summary of Research Activities and Results of the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation’s (ISSF) Second Bycatch Project Cruise WCPO-2 in the Western Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO). In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 9th Regular Session. WCPFC‐SC9‐2013/EB-WP-07, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
PS Sharks and Rays
Robertson G, Moreno C, Lawton K, et al (2013) Black-browed albatrosses in Chile rebound in response to reduced mortality in fisheries. In: ACAP - 1st Meeting of the Population & Status Working Group. PCSWG1 Doc 03 Rev 1, La Rochelle, France
LL Seabirds
Mitigation Techniques
Rabearisoa N, Bach P, Tixier P, Guinet C (2012) Pelagic longline fishing trials to shape a mitigation device of the depredation by toothed whales. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 432–433:55–63.
LL Marine Mammals,
Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Kerstetter D (2012) Evaluation of variable strength hooks to reduce serious injury pilot whale interactions with the North Carolina-based pelagic longline fishery. Project 8 Final Report
LL Marine Mammals
Mitigation Techniques
Njaratiana Rabearisoa (2012) Shark and toothed whale depredation impacting pelagic longline fisheries in the southwestern Indian Ocean. PhD, Universite de la Reunion
LL Marine Mammals,
Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Tetley MJ, Kiszka JJ, Hoyt E (2012) Defining hotspots for toothed cetaceans involved in pelagic longline fishery depredation in the western Indian Ocean: a preliminary approach. IOTC, South Africa
LL Marine Mammals
Mitigation Techniques
Hamer DJ, Childerhouse SJ, Gales NJ (2012) Odontocete bycatch and depredation in longline fisheries: A review of available literature and of potential solutions. Mar Mam Sci 28:E345–E374.
LL Marine Mammals
Itano D, Restrepo V (2011) Status of the Purse Seine Bycatch Mitigation Project and research cruises funded by the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation with notes on the development of best practices for the live release of encircled animals. WCPFC, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
PS Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Bayse SM, Kerstetter DW (2010) Assessing Bycatch Reduction Potential of Variable Strength Hooks for Pilot Whales in a Western North Atlantic Pelagic Longline Fishery. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science 126:6–14
LL Marine Mammals,
Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Population Level Assessments
NOAA FSPRO (2010) NOAA False Killer Whale Take Reduction Plan
LL Marine Mammals
Patterson HM, Tudman MJ (2009) Chondrichthyan guide for fisheries managers: A practical guide to mitigating chondrichthyan bycatch. Bureau of Rural Sciences and Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Canberra
LL, PS Sharks and Rays