Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting Report

IATTC (2013) Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting Report. In: IATTC - 4th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee. SAC-04, La Jolla, California

The meeting was called to order on 29 April 2013 by the Chairman, Guillermo Compeán, Director of the IATTC, who thanked the attendees for coming to the meeting. The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) was established by the Antigua Convention, and is composed of one representative designated by each member of the Commission. Only 12 members of 14 that were registered were present at the meeting, and the required two-thirds quorum was therefore not met. Pending the arrival of additional delegates, which did not materialize in the end, one participant noted that the presence of a quorum this year would be new for the SAC, and asked for clarification regarding the adoption of the report and recommendations of the meeting. Guillermo Compeán referred to provisions of Article XI, paragraph 7, of the Antigua Convention and confirmed that consensus was needed to adopt such recommendations. In the absence of consensus, the reports would reflect the majority and minority views.