Seabird bycatch data reported by RFMO CPCs: preliminary analysis of the IATTC scientific observer reports (2013 - 2021) on longliners as a case study
This paper is aimed to better understand the availability and quality of information relevant to seabird bycatch contained in CPCs observer reports annually submitted to RFMOs, using the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission as a case study. After more comprehensive analyses this study may allow ACAP to develop specific advice and tailor specific action to improve data collection in RFMOs. The number of reports submitted increased since the start of the series in 2013, and the level of observer coverage was in average above 5%, although showing important differences depending on the reporting CPC. The occurrence of reports referring to seabird bycatch at a species or higher taxonomic level averaged 56%. Between 17 and 40% of the observer reports made reference to seabird species. A total of eight seabird species were identified in the reports, all of them albatrosses, with Black-footed and Laysan albatrosses dominating the scene. A more refined analysis could be presented to the IATTC Bycatch Working Group to address strengths and weaknesses in the reports, propose changes and offer specific advice. Since the analysis could be performed at a multi-taxa level, it may offer the opportunity to jointly analyse and present this information with other organisations. RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend that the Seabird Bycatch Working Group: 1. Endorse the elaboration of a more refined and complete survey of observer reports, also including other tuna RFMOs, and 2. Propose to the Advisory Committee the inclusion of this analysis as a core task in the Advisory Committee Work Programme.