Update and Workplan on FAD Research

Escalle L, Mourot J, Hamer P (2024) Update and Workplan on FAD Research. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 20th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC20-2024/EB-IP-02, Manila, Philippines

Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (dFADs) are used in large numbers in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO), and their potential impacts are of growing concern to managers, industry, NGOs and other stakeholders. Considering these concerns, while acknowledging the importance of dFADs to the tropical tuna fishery, the WCPFC are working towards improving the reporting, management and environmental sustainability of dFAD use in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean. This paper summarises the progress of the different dFAD-oriented research projects led by SPC and a workplan for future activities in order to support monitoring of current CMMs and the development of potential future CMMs to reduce the environmental impacts of dFAD use. This summary is provided in view of WCPFC priorities highlighted in the FAD Management Options IWG 2024–2026 work plan that includes: Satellite Buoy Data Transmission Requirements; FAD Recovery Programs/Strategies; FAD logbook; Biodegradable FADs; dFAD Deployment. The dFAD related research led by SPC includes: - analyses of satellite buoy data: trajectory and echosounder data - scoping of feasibility of dFAD recovery programs and assessing the impact of FAD loss and abandonment, including: o regional stranded FAD data collection programme and support for recovery of stranded FADs; o re-using satellite and echosounder buoys to support local projects; o identification of hotspot of dFAD stranding events, loss and abandonment; o analysis of feasibility and cost-effectiveness of dFAD recovery options in the WCPO; o a legal study on the international and regional frameworks around dFADs; o monitoring of dFADs drifting outside the fishing grounds - analyses of FAD data collected using FAD logbook and comparisons with observer data - non-entangling and biodegradable dFADs, including: o trials of non-entangling and biodegradable dFADs, including industry partnership and training in biodegradable and non-entangling dFAD design aspects and construction; o monitoring dFAD designs and materials used in dFAD’s construction; o assessment of impacts of dFADs on Species of Special Interest and marine ecosystems - assessments of dFAD use per vessel, including deployments and active numbers of dFADs We invite WCPFC-SC20 to: • Note the current broad range of dFAD research implemented or planned by SPC, that has direct value and linkage to the FAD Management Options Intersessional Working Group (IWG) work plan for 2024–2026 and the Scientific Committee. • Provide feedback on the current and future focus of dFAD research and on priorities for the Scientific Committee and WCPFC. • Acknowledge the funding contributions to this research from certain WCPFC members and external organisations (i.e., EU, US, ISSF), and the industry involvement as formal partners in some of this work.