Update on CCSBT Seabird Project

CCSBT Secretariat (2024) Update on CCSBT Seabird Project. In: ACAP - Joint 12th Meeting of the SBWG & 8th Meeting of the PaCSWG. Joint SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Inf 15, Lima, Peru

ACAP and CCSBT have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to facilitate inter-organisational cooperation (including exchanges of information), with a view to supporting efforts to minimise the incidental bycatch of albatrosses and petrels caused by fishing for SBT. Further, ACAP and BLI are supporting partners of this project. The Secretariat expresses its thanks to both institutions for the various inputs received to date. In this report, requests from the CCSBT Secretariat for action are in bold typeface. Update The CCSBT Secretariat expresses gratitude to all active fishing Members for their ongoing engagement with various project activities, and especially to individuals who volunteered their time and expertise in attending and actively contributing to Project events. Updates are provided first for cross-cutting matters and second under Elements 1-4 of the project, which are:1. Skipper/Vessel Owner/Crew training and train-the-trainer workshops 2. Compliance Officer/Observer training and train-the-trainer workshops 3. Novel EM tools for monitoring seabird bycatch mitigation measure use 4. Global risk assessment (of seabirds to tuna longline bycatch).